Just when does government regulation of the media go too far? Or, does it ever not go far enough? Even if a particular regulatory act is constitutional, is it prudent? The 2009 Law Review Symposium is set to answer these questions October 9 – 10, 2009 on the Regent University campus in Virginia Beach, VA. Law Review Editor in Chief, Benjamin Eastburn, commented on the forum topic’s timeliness: “We chose ‘Media and the Law’ because of its seemingly universal presence in political discussions and news stories over the past year,” he said. “People have heard a lot about the Fairness Doctrine, television and internet regulation, et cetera. Discussion on these topics is necessary to inform the legal community on the difficult questions our symposium poses.” The weekend begins on Friday at 6:30 p.m. with a kick-off banquet featuring special guest Judge Andrew P. Napolitano. Judge Napolitano , former New Jersey Superior Court Judge, serves as FOX News’ senior judicial analyst. He joi...