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Showing posts from June, 2011

Regent’s Bar Passage Rates: 85.7% in Virginia and 87.2% Nationwide

First-time Virginia Bar exam takers from Regent University's School of Law achieved the highest Bar pass rate in the school's history for the 2010 exam. The Virginia Bar pass rate of 85.7% was well above the state average and third among all Virginia law schools. Results from the July exam released by the Virginia Board of Bar Examiners include the following pass percentages for first-time testers from each school: Appalachian School of Law: 65.4% College of William and Mary: 92.6% George Mason University: 85.3% Liberty University: 73.7% Regent University: 85.7% University of Richmond: 83.5% University of Virginia: 90.6% Washington and Lee University: 72.7% Nationwide, Regent Law 2010 first-time Bar takers, all states, passed at a rate of 87.2%. The most recent first-time bar pass rates for all 2010 Regent Law graduates, all states, with corresponding LSAT breakdowns are as follows: LSAT 150 or above: 89% LSAT 155 and above: 97% LSAT 160 and above: 100%

Regent Law in the News

Jay Sekulow , Distinguished Professor at Regent Law and Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), recently announced the ACLJ’s new office in partnership with Handong International Law School in South Korea. Regent Law has enjoyed a relationship with Handong for five years in which students and professors from both schools participate in exchange programs . Regent Law alums Michelle Terry (’09) and husband and wife team Wesley & Abby Southerland (’07) were mentioned in this June 19 article featuring their boss, Larry Crain, senior counsel with the ACLJ .

Regent Law Hosts Judicial Internship Banquet

On Tuesday, June 7th Regent Law’s office of Career & Alumni Services held its 7th Annual Judicial Internship Banquet at Founder’s Inn. Among the guests at this year’s banquet were the Hon. Raymond Jackson from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, alumna the Hon. Teresa Hammons (’88) from the Virginia Beach District Court, the Hon. Colon Whitehurst, Chief Judge from the Chesapeake General District Court, and 23 student interns (pictured). Other event speakers included keynote speaker the Honorable Robert Humphreys of the Court of Appeals of Virginia, Jeffrey Brauch, Dean of Regent Law, and Alexis Fenell, student intern for the Virginia Beach General District Court. “As a rising 2L who aspires to be a clerk, the Judicial Internship Program has provided me with invaluable experience in the courtroom seeing the judicial process take place,” said Fenell. “As I plan to practice law in Virginia this internship has given me the opportunity to familiar...

Regent Law in the News

Virginia Governor and Regent Law alumnus Bob McDonnell ('89) signed a group of anti human trafficking laws into effect on May 31st, as reported in this Washington Times article. Center for Global Justice interns Nicole LeBoeuf and Marie Krause (2Ls) attended the ceremony as representatives of the Richmond Justice Initiative .

Professor Rehn Teaches in Romania

Over the week of May 9-13, Assistant Professor Chris Rehn taught Introduction to Commercial Law at one of Romania’s most prestigious institutions. Emanuel University and Seminary , founded by clinical psychologist and pastor Dr. Paul Negrut, is located in the capital city of Oradea on the Hungarian border. The wealthiest area in Romania, Oradea boasts enchanting castles, cathedrals, palaces and a river running through the heart of the city. Professor Rehn commented that his favorite part of the trip was not Oradea’s natural beauty but rather Emmanuel’s students. “These students are really excellent and engaged,” Rehn said. “They study in both Romanian and English - they’re quite impressive.” Although Rehn’s course is rigorous, students were able to absorb the semester-long class in one week and complete an exam the last day of classes. When not teaching, Rehn and Franco Gandolfi, visiting professor from Regent's School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship , were escort...