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Showing posts from December, 2016

Regent Law Posts Excellent 2016 Bar Passage Rates

Congratulations to the Regent Law Class of 2016 for outstanding bar passage rates ! The fol lowing results are from the J uly 2016 Bar Exam. Regent Law graduates earned a 100% bar pass age rate in Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky , Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, New York, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming . Additionally, they earned a 90% bar passage rate in the Uni form Bar Exa m, which has been adopted in 26 states . This allows the graduates to potentially be licensed to practice law in all 26 states , which include: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut , District of Columbia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts , Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Ham pshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New Yor k, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming. For all U.S. bar exams across the country, Regent Law Class of 2016 earned an 8 2.3% bar passage rate, out performing the 2 01...

Regent Law Faculty Achievements -- Week of December 12, 2016

Regent University's School of Law Faculty members willingly share their knowledge and expertise beyond the classroom to spark scholarly debate and advance the practice of law. Their latest endeavors include the following. The addition of Distinguished Professor Harry Hutchison to our ranks, as well as our continuous work marketing our scholarship, our ranking in SSRN has moved up to 127 from 130, surpassing Richmond, even with our very small faculty.  Download some of Professor Hutchison’s publications . Also download his most recent publication from the Harvard J. L. & Pol’y Hobby Lobby, Corporate Law, and Unsustainable Liberalism: A Reply to Judge Strine . Professor James Duane’s piece The Right to Remain Silent: A New Answer to an Old Question has been downloaded a landmark 1,149 times, and he will be presenting at our Regent Law Faculty Colloquium Series brought to you by the Regent University Law Library, on January 24, 2016. Professor Lou Hensler will be presenti...