Associate Dean Bradley Jacob presented “The Curse of Voting? Unintended Consequences of the 17th Amendment” on Thursday, March 24, 2022, at Dinsmore & Shohl LLP in San Diego, CA. Professor Jim Duane will be presenting at the Fed Soc chapter of the Idaho Lawyers “ Tearing Down the Walls that Keep American Jurors in the Dark ,” on April 20, 2022. Recent academic work of the Robertson Center for Constitutional Law includes several updates. Associate Dean Brad Lingo and Professor Mike Schietzelt have just posted to SSRN their most recent paper, “What Lord of the Rings Can Teach the Supreme Court About Abortion.” It’s available here . They have also placed their most recent full-length article, “A Second-Class First Amendment Right? Text, Structure, and Free Exercise After Fulton,” in the Wake Forest Law Review. It will be published in September and can be downloaded here . Additionally, Associate Dean Lingo ’s review of Judge Kenneth Starr...